Wednesday, In Class
- Download the Figma desktop app and font installer
- Watch Getting Started with Figma
- Using Figma, sketch out 3 different visual directions for all the pages of your News Room story. Thinking through how the story will develop through your content, and what unifying factors will tie it together.
- Project is due Monday 02/09
Monday, In Class
- Zoom link
- Today’s Notes
- Zoe presents on Olia Lialina and we discuss
- HTML intro.
- Goals of a critique, Slack critique of Hello World gifs in small groups
- Watch lecture Cyberspace Origins (Find it on Canvas under Modules)
- Introduce project News Room
- Be ready to discuss the lecture on Wednesday
- Reading: A Handmade Web – J.R. Carpenter, Ashley is going to present and everyone else writes a comment/question.
- Create a PDF that highlights three different story ideas for your news room project. For each one, describe the current event (doesn’t need to be news), your interest in it, and a few examples of either your reaction or other people’s reaction to the story